What made you choose Ursuline?
After the pandemic I transferred from Loyola to Ursuline because I liked the community and the teachers and students. I was looking for something that was more personal and I love the campus.
What is your major (and any minors)?
I switched from Social Work to majoring in Humanities. I want to go into business instead of social work and maybe HR after school.
What did you like best about the department in which you studied?
The support that I received throughout my senior year at Ursuline. My GPA went up after switching to major in Humanities through the support within the department and having my needs met.
How has your experience at Ursuline helped your journey?
Ursuline helped me find passion for what I want to do after college. The humanities program helped me find my voice again. I was active in High School and proud of who I was, but college made me shy away from my voice. This past year as a Humanities major, I was able to find my voice and focus on my passions. I feel motivated for what comes after college.
What would you say to encourage a student considering studying Humanities at Ursuline?
I would tell them to do it. It’s a great way to get exposed to different things and learn different perspectives. Especially within philosophy, English, religion.
What do you want to do next?
I’m looking at a few other things and trying to keep my options open. Applying to do a dual degree to get my juris doctorate.
What else would you like to share about your experience as a student at Ursuline?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Be transparent with your teachers. Do the work and you’ll succeed!