March 10, 2020
An Update from Ursuline College President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU, PhD
At 2:00 p.m. today, March 10, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recommended that Ohio colleges and universities transition to online learning for the foreseeable future, in an effort to stem the spread of coronavirus.
For this reason, Ursuline College will temporarily suspend face-to-face instruction on campus from Friday, March 13 at 5:00 p.m. until Monday morning March 30, when face-to-face instruction will continue, unless otherwise indicated.
To allow faculty to prepare for this transition, the College has cancelled all classes for the two days after Spring Break, Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17. There will be no classes on those days. By Wednesday, March 18, classes will resume in an online format.
Instructional Designer Krystina Zeit has added various digital assets to our D2L system that will enable faculty to disseminate assignments and communicate with students in a number of ways. An email from Vice President for Academic Affairs Kathy LaFontana will provide faculty with further details.
- It is imperative that you check your Ursuline College email daily in order to stay on top of this very fluid situation.
- Nursing Students your clinicals continue. Please report to them as usual without any interruption.
- Some of you are in the midst of practicum or internship experiences. Please contact your faculty member for guidance.
- Student athletes: we are monitoring the situation with guidance from the NCAA. Please watch for communication from the Athletic Director.
- The Library will remain open and computers there will be available to faculty and students. Check Library hours here.
Residence Hall Students:
- Campus will remain open but if you can stay in your permanent or off-campus home, per Gov Dewine’s directive, we urge you stay there and do not return to the residence hall.
- If you cannot make arrangements to return to or stay home in the immediate future, or If you need to retrieve items from your dorm room, please contact Gina DeMart-Krause, director of residence life.
- Regarding food service, Metz has notified us that they will use disposable, wrapped cutlery, they have eliminated self-service, and they have added hand sanitizers in the café. Metz hours are subject to change.
Staff and Faculty:
- The College remains open and faculty and staff are expected to return to work.
- Faculty are expected to meet the learning objectives of their classes.
- Staff with specific questions or extenuating circumstances should contact their supervisor.
- Faculty offices are open and available for faculty use.
For all Ursuline College community members:
- If you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (a fever of 100.4 or higher, respiratory problems like cough or shortness of breath) or if you have been in direct contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19, please do not come to campus. Instead, call your healthcare provider.
- If you are experiencing any other cold or flu-like symptoms. Please do not come to campus.
On campus events or meetings of 25 people or more are cancelled. Some will move to an online format.
College-Sponsored Travel:
Following the governor’s directive, we are suspending all non-essential, college-sponsored travel through March 29.
Please watch for more detailed follow-up emails and again, pray for world healing.