January 3, 2022
In response to recent revisions of the CDC's COVID guidelines, Ursuline College President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU. PhD, issued the following announcement on Jan. 3, 2022.
Start of Spring 2022 semester, as planned
Ursuline’s offices of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs continue to monitor the evolving COVID situation and will keep students and employees updated. Spring 2022 semester will operate as previously scheduled, including the start of the SDAP semester in person this week and the start of regular semester classes in person next week as of Jan. 10, 2022. Watch for announcements in the event of any changes.
Work from home flexibility week of Jan. 3, 2022
With many returning from holiday gatherings and travel, reducing the number of people on campus for the first week of the spring 2022 semester can be a step toward keeping the omicron variant of COVID at bay. Work from home (WFH) flexibility for faculty and staff is expanded this week beyond the usual WFH schedule, with the approval of supervisors/deans, provided all necessary on-campus functions are covered. Employees should check with their supervisor/dean to confirm plans and to make sure of coverage.
New CDC guidelines for isolation and quarantine
The CDC has revised its guidelines for isolation (for those infected) and quarantine (for those exposed) as of December 27, 2021: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s1227-isolation-quarantine-guidance.html. In keeping with the CDC revisions, Ursuline College has now revised its protocols to match the new CDC guidelines.
Details are found here. In broad terms the new guidelines mean:
- If you test positive, CDC shortens isolation to 5 days, and then you may return to campus if your symptoms are gone. Continue masking even off campus for the next 5 days.
- If you have been exposed to someone and you have been boosted (or been vaccinated within certain timelines described in the above CDC link), you need to mask for 10 days but you don’t have to stay home in quarantine, unless you have symptoms. CDC recommends a test at Day 5.
- If you have been exposed to someone and you have not been boosted (or have not been vaccinated within certain timelines described in the above CDC link), you must stay home in quarantine for 5 days and mask for an additional 5 days. CDC recommends a test at Day 5.
For purposes of isolation/quarantine, if you have been exposed or have tested positive by 12/31/21, follow the old guidelines, which require 10 days; if you have been exposed or have tested positive as of 1/1/22, follow the new guidelines. For clarification, students should check with Deanne Hurley dhurley@ursuline.edu, and faculty and staff should check with Kelli Knaus kknaus@ursuline.edu. Note that student-athletes need to continue following “return to play” protocols as prescribed by Dr. Briskin and our coaching staff.
As this message is published, it appears possible that CDC will again revise its guidelines. If it does, you can expect a revision to the UC guidelines to match. Students and employees should watch for emailed updates.
What hasn’t changed is the CDC’s strongest recommendation that everyone receive full vaccination and booster, as the first line of defense against COVID-19, especially its omicron variant.