April 19, 2024
John M. “Jack” Newman, Jr., an Ursuline College 29-year trustee including 14 years as board chair, was named the 2024 Earl F. Morris Trustee Award recipient from the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC).
The award is designed to recognize current trustees of OFIC member colleges and universities who have demonstrated commitment and service above and beyond the norm to the guidance and betterment of the institution and its students. It was presented at the OFIC’s annual awards luncheon on April 10.
During Newman’s tenure, the College has undergone several major construction projects including renovation of Dauby Science Center, with 10 labs and expanded classroom space, as well as the creation of the Besse Library Learning Commons, now home to key academic support services. Ursuline also has added an Exercise Science major at the undergraduate level and a Physician Assistant program and CRNA program at the graduate level to increase revenue by offering new in-demand degrees to support the needs of Northeast Ohio and beyond.
Ursuline College President Sister Christine De Vinne, PhD, OSU says of Newman, “His student-centric focus has ensured a positive campus experience for our student body, from recruitment through to graduation and entrance into the ranks of our alums.”
She continues, “Without fanfare, without headlines, he has dedicated thirty-plus years of his life and career to making a difference for our students. He has gone above and beyond in his service, and all of us at Ursuline College are the richer for it.”
The award is accompanied by the OFIC Staff Scholarship given to a deserving student at the award recipient’s institution. The student, Alivia Rovder, a junior studying art therapy, was present at the luncheon along with Sr. De Vinne, Charlotte Neman, Vice President of Enrollment Management Mike Brown, Dean Jenise Snyder, and Director of Mission Sr. Virginia DeVinne.
“It’s been an honor to serve Ursuline College for almost three decades,” says Mr. Newman. “I am truly moved to receive this recognition.”