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We'll connect you to real-world experiences that will accelerate your professional success.
It starts with your desire to follow your interests, build a life, and contribute to your world. The Office of Career Services can help. We will work with you on career search strategies and resume preparation; we'll provide access to employers, relevant programming, and career counseling. We'll connect you with pre-professional experiences through internships, cooperative education and mentoring.
Using the Career FIT program, we'll assess your strengths and interests then pair you with a personal Career Coach who will help you link classroom learning and real-world experiences to the future you're building. And we'll offer you opportunities to earn certifications of key professional skills, in addition to the Institutional Learning Outcomes that are a product of their Ursuline education.
Ursuline students: access thousands of employers, internships, fellowships, full-time and part-time employment, career fairs, trainings, and informational sessions on Handshake, a jobs platform that posts new opportunities daily. Build your account and profile at www.joinhandshake.com using your Ursuline email address.
Ursuline grads: contact Felicia Johnson, Career Development and Placement Specialist, to get the conversation started.
As a result of interaction with the Career Office, you'll be able to:
Graduates of Ursuline go on to be employed at hospitals, schools, organizations and businesses in Northeast Ohio and beyond.