Home / Academics / Undergraduate / Find a Program / Biology Bachelor’s Degree Program | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH
From microscopic to ecosystem wide, life forms and functions will fascinate you.
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Ursuline’s undergraduate biology program will actively engage you in scientific literacy and technological competency - from the discovery of new knowledge to the application of scientific principles and the practice of professional skills.
If your goal is medical school, dental school, veterinary school, or another professional program, you may choose a Pre-Medicine/Pre-Professional concentration.
Other distinctive aspects of the biology program include innovative partnerships with graduate programs to accelerate your path into professional schools for medicine and podiatry, as well as student-led research opportunities, including the annual Student Research Symposium.
Graduates of the Biology program pursue their interests in a variety of careers. Some obtain entry-level jobs to gain experience and develop their work skills; others seek additional education to enter specialized professional programs.
For students interested in obtaining employment immediately after graduation, options include: