Home / Academics / Find a Program / DNP Nurse Anesthesia / Admission Requirements | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH
The application for Ursuline College with SNAP's January 2026 program start opens October 15, 2024 and the application deadline is April 1, 2025.
Students with International Transcripts:
Two recommendations utilizing the required recommendation form within the online application. Recommendations attesting to the suitability of the applicant for graduate work should be written by appropriate professionals who can evaluate the applicant's professional practice, leadership, interpersonal skills, communication, critical thinking, and judgment.
Curriculum vitae/resume: A curriculum vitae/resume indicating higher education institutions attended and dates of attendance, work experience, clinical experiences, and other activities.
Interview: Interview with the Admissions Committee. Not all qualified applicants are offered an interview.
Applicants are required to obtain a federal background check. It is not required to use one of the companies on this list.
If required to send results directly to the institution, please send to:
Ursuline College
Graduate Admission
2550 Lander Road
Pepper Pike, OH 44124
Fast Fingerprints: FBI Background Check
Website: https://www.fastfingerprints.com
Select “Fingerprint Services” under the “Services” tab on top.
Choose “Expedited FBI Background Check.”
Click “Begin Application” button.
Complete application and proceed through instructions for scheduling a location for fingerprinting.
Visit “Locations” tab for up-to-date list of fingerprinting service locations.
If assistance is needed, call 877-932-2435.
E-Forms: FBI Background Check
Go to https://eforms.com/consent/background/ and select state then “create document.”
Select “FBI Fingerprint Check”.
Complete form and follow instructions, which includes getting fingerprinted at a certified fingerprint office.
Accredited Drug Testing: National Background Check
Website: https://accrediteddrugtesting.com/
Click “Background Checks”
Choose “Basic Level Search”
Enter zip code and 1 quantity, then proceed to registration.
If assistance is needed, call 1-800-221-4291 (let them know that it is for Ursuline College).
Applicants are required to obtain a drug screen. You are not required to use one of the facilities on the list. If a laboratory requires results to be sent directly to the institution, please send to:
Ursuline College
Graduate Admission
2550 Lander Road
Pepper Pike, OH 44124
Quest Diagnostics (Quest Health)
Website: https://www.questhealth.com/how-it-works.html
Follow instructions online
Be sure to PAY BEFORE appointment as this creates the registration for the test (if an appointment is scheduled without paying, you will be turned away)
Third Party Affiliate: Sure Screen Labs
Website: www.surescreenlabs.com
Partners with popular lab company LabCorp
Complete the provided form with payment and return (email/scan) per form’s instructions. You will receive a registration number to take to LabCorp for your test. Results will be sent to Ursuline College Graduate Admission.
If assistance is needed, call 1-803-256-9535
Third Party Affiliate: Accredited Drug Testing
Website: https://accrediteddrugtesting.com/
Partners with popular lab companies such as LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics
Scroll down main webpage to blue box labeled “Urine.” Click “Schedule Now.” Click “Urine Drug Testing Options.” Choose 10-panel (online discount) or 10-panel drug test with Background check. Proceed to registration.
If assistance is needed, call: 1-866-787-0512 (let them know that it is for Ursuline College).
A $1000.00 non-refundable deposit must accompany a completed Acceptance Agreement. This deposit will satisfy the Student Activity fee when the student matriculates.
The goal of the Nurse Anesthesia Program is to prepare every student to think critically, and practice nursing competently and compassionately in rapidly changing practice environments. All efforts are designed to build nursing knowledge, enhance nursing practice and patient safety, and ultimately improve the health outcomes of patients, families, and communities across the continuum of care. In addition, certain functional abilities are essential for the delivery of safe, effective nursing care during clinical training activities. Therefore, it has been determined that certain technical standards are requisite for admission, progression, and graduation from Ursuline College Nurse Anesthesia Track.
In addition to classroom learning, clinical learning occurs throughout the program. Any student that requires accommodations related to clinical learning must request such accommodations as set forth in the NAP Handbook.
In order to be admitted, progress, and graduate from the Nurse Anesthesia Program, an individual must be able to independently, with or without reasonable accommodation, meet the following technical standards and general abilities which specifically include the following: (1) observation; (2) communication; (3) motor ability; (4) intellectual, conceptual, and quantitative abilities; (5) essential behavioral and social attributes; and (6) the ability to manage stressful situations. Individuals unable to meet these technical standards, with or without reasonable accommodation, will not be able to complete the program and are counseled to pursue alternate careers.
The technical standards and general abilities are described more fully below.
The student is expected to possess functional use of the senses of vision, touch, hearing, and smell so that data received by the senses may be integrated, analyzed, and synthesized in a consistent and accurate manner. A student must also possess the ability to perceive pain, pressure, temperature, position, vibration, and movement that are important to the student's ability to gather significant information needed to effectively evaluate patients. A student must be able to respond promptly to urgent situations that may occur during clinical training activities and must not hinder the ability of other members of the health care team to provide prompt treatment and care to patients.
The student must have sufficient capacity to make accurate visual observations and interpret them in the context of laboratory studies, medication administration, and patient care activities. In addition, the student must be able to document these observations and maintain accurate records.
The student must communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally to elicit information and to translate that information to others. Each student must have the ability to read, write, comprehend, and speak the English language to facilitate communication with patients, their family members, and other professionals in health care settings. In addition, the student must be able to maintain accurate patient records, present information in a professional, logical manner and provide patient counseling and instruction to effectively care for patients and their families. The student must possess verbal and written communication skills that permit effective communication with instructors and students in both the classroom and clinical settings.
The student must be able to perform gross and fine motor movements with sufficient coordination needed to perform complete physical examinations utilizing the techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, and other diagnostic maneuvers. A student must develop the psychomotor skills reasonably needed to perform or assist with procedures, treatments, administration of medication, management and operation of diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment, and such maneuvers to assist with patient care activities such as lifting, wheel chair guidance, and mobility. The student must have sufficient levels of neuromuscular control and eye-to-hand coordination as well as possess the physical and mental stamina to meet the demands associated with extended periods of sitting, standing, moving, and physical exertion required for satisfactory and safe performance in the clinical and classroom settings including performing CPR, if necessary. The student must possess the ability of manual dexterity that would be required for certain activities, such as drawing up solutions in a syringe.
The student must be able to develop and refine problem-solving skills that are crucial to practice as a nurse. Problem-solving involves the abilities to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, and synthesize objective and subjective data, and to make decisions, often in a time urgent environment, that reflect consistent and thoughtful deliberation and sound clinical judgment. Each student must demonstrate mastery of these skills and possess the ability to incorporate new information from peers, teachers, and the nursing and medical literature to formulate sound judgment in patient assessment, intervention, evaluation, teaching, and setting short and long term goals.
Compassion, integrity, motivation, effective interpersonal skills, and concern for others are personal attributes required of those in the nursing programs. Personal comfort and acceptance of the role of a nurse functioning under supervision of a clinical instructor or preceptor is essential for a nursing student. The student must possess the skills required for full utilization of the student's intellectual abilities; the exercise of good judgment; the prompt completion of all responsibilities in the classroom and clinical settings; and the development of mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients and other members of the health care team. Each student must be able to exercise stable, sound judgment and to complete assessment and interventional activities. The ability to establish rapport and maintain sensitive, interpersonal relationships with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds is critical for practice as a nurse. The student must be able to adapt to changing environments; display flexibility; accept and integrate constructive criticism given in the classroom and clinical settings; effectively interact in the clinical setting with other members of the healthcare team; and learn to function cooperatively and efficiently in the face of uncertainties inherent in clinical practice.
The student must be able to adapt to and function effectively to stressful situations in both the classroom and clinical settings, including emergency situations. The student will encounter multiple stressors while in the nursing programs. These stressors may be (but are not limited to) personal, patient care/family, faculty/peer, and or program-related.
The Program does not unlawfully discriminate based on race, age, disability, creed, gender, sexual orientation, color, national origin, marital status, religion, or any other factor prohibited by law. This applies to all aspects of its operations.