Home / Academics / Undergraduate / Find a Program / Undergraduate Mathematics Program / Undergraduate Mathematics Program Course Requirements | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH
An introduction to set theory, logic, relations, functions, sequences, algorithms, number theory and combinatorics.
A study of elementary concepts and procedures basic to inquiry in science, sociology, psychology and other areas; frequency distributions, normal distributions; measure of central tendency and dispersion; probability; samples and populations; correlation and regression; chi-square test; analysis of variance, hypothesis testing. A working knowledge of basic algebra is needed. Fulfills Ursuline Core Curriculum Math requirement. *MA/DC
This course covers functions, limits and rates of change, derivatives, application of differentiation, integrals, and applications of integration. Fulfills Ursuline Core Curriculum Math requirement. *MA/DC
This course covers inverse functions, techniques of integration, further applications of integration, parametric equations and polar coordinates, and infinite sequences and series. Fulfills Ursuline Core Curriculum Math requirement. *MA/DC
This course covers vectors and the geometry of space, vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus.
An introduction to mathematical proof and mathematics beyond the beginning level, including a study of the divisibility properties of integers, prime numbers, linear and quadratic congruencies, and primitive roots.
Fundamental concepts of abstract algebra, groups, rings, integral domains and fields.
Development of postulation systems, critical study of Euclidean geometry as related to other geometries, including projective,elliptical and hyperbolic.
Vectors, real vector spaces, bases, linear transformations, matrix algebra, determinants, applications of matrices to linear programming in fields of business, economics, sociology, politics and biology.
Topics studied are the common types of differential equations and their applications.
To minor in Mathematics, you need to take the following courses:
In addition, undergraduate students are also required to complete the Ursuline Core Curriculum.