Home / Academics / Our Faculty / Faculty: Stephanie Woodruff, DNP, CRNA, CHSE | Ursuline - Liberal Arts College in OH
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Dr. Woodruff serves as the Program Director of SNAP. She graduated from Georgetown University in 1994 with a bachelor’s in nursing. In 1998, she received her master’s in nursing from the University of Pennsylvania and was certified as a Nurse Practitioner in Women’s Healthcare. Dr. Woodruff became a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist in 2008 after graduating with her second master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania. In 2017, she received her DNP from Wilmington University. She is the State Peer Advisor for Pennsylvania through the AANA and is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetist Wellness Committee. Dr. Woodruff continues to practice clinically once a week.