July 30, 2021
A Message from Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU, President
Dear All:
We look forward to having students, faculty and staff back on campus very soon for the start of what will be the College’s 150th year – a true milestone! In... more
July 6, 2021
A Message From President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU
The current guidelines from the State of Ohio, based on guidelines from CDC, continue to reinforce the importance of vaccinations, surveillance testing, and health safety protocols:
Ohio... more
May 28, 2021
A Message From President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU
We continue to urge all members of our campus community to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible, toward the goals of protecting your own health and promoting herd immunity on... more
May 17, 2021
Students who received a Pell Grant in the 2020-21 academic year are eligible for up to a $50 or $75 monthly discount on broadband internet through a new Federal Communications Commission program. Students may apply for this discount online.
This... more
April 8, 2021
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) II
Ursuline College has been awarded an additional $336,656 in HEERF funds from the U.S. Department of Education through the Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act... more