March 16, 2020
Ursuline College staff members are meeting each day to manage the directives from the governor, but most especially to make decisions that will keep students healthy and safe.
Students: a large part of keeping yourself healthy is YOU! Be sure to... more
March 16, 2020
An Update from Ursuline College President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU, PhD
Always with attention to the needs of our students, everyone has been watching the number of cases of COVID-19 climb, both statewide and nationwide. We have no way of... more
March 13, 2020
An Update from Ursuline College President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU, PhD
You have received many emails from the College in recent days as we respond to the coronavirus outbreak. We hope that these messages have been an effective way of... more
March 11, 2020
In response to the coronavirus outbreak and heeding the recommendations of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), the College is postponing its Women Who Light the Way event honoring Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ.
The... more
March 10, 2020
An Update from Ursuline College President Sister Christine De Vinne, OSU, PhD
At 2:00 p.m. today, March 10, 2020, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine recommended that Ohio colleges and universities transition to online learning for the foreseeable future... more