Why did you choose Ursuline College for your Theological and Pastoral Studies (TPS) degree?
I attended Ursuline College for my undergraduate degree in Religious Studies. My experience in the undergraduate program was a key factor in returning for the Master’s program.
Why did you decide to earn your TPS degree?
Obtaining a Master’s degree in religion is key to being a standout candidate in the field. As a younger individual with relatively minimal experience it is vital to make my education stand out.
What did you like best about the TPS program?
The thing I like best about the TPS program is its attention to the individual. The professors are extremely understanding of personal situations and work with you to make sure that your educational needs are taken care of. I have not experienced a college or program that has placed such emphasis on the individual.
How did you manage all of your responsibilities (work, family, school) to be successful in the TPS program?
The program remains flexible around my life. I am able to handle my school responsibilities by coordinating them around my family and work responsibilities. The professors are very sensitive to other life commitments.
How has your Theological and Pastoral Studies degree helped you professionally?
It sets me apart from other candidates in the field. The combination of my youth and education sets me apart from other individuals who possess less educational credentials than myself.