Home / Student Life / Diversity and Inclusion
The Office of Diversity is dedicated to heightening cultural, ethnic and social justice awareness.
Our goal is to provide academic and social support for students, and foster intergroup relations, including, but not limited to expanding the institutional commitment to equal opportunity for students, staff and faculty success.
The Office of Diversity is located in Pilla Center 201.
Office hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Phone: 440 646 8322
The Academic Inspiration for Minority Success (AIMS) Peer Mentoring Program provides individualized assistance to selected students to help them during their first-year transition to Ursuline College. First-year students are paired with a sophomore, junior or senior mentor who will help provide them with emotional and social support as they become acclimated to Ursuline. Mentors provide early exposure to important College resources while advising them on how to be successful during their academic tenure. Freshman will meet with their Peer Mentors several times throughout the academic year and are invited to attend activities sponsored by the Office of Diversity.
Any undergraduate student can be a mentor if they meet the following criteria:
For questions regarding the AIMS program, please contact Anna Brock at anna.brock@ursuline.edu.
The Office of Diversity in collaboration with multiple departments across the campus creates and participates in various events both on campus and within the community that educate our students. Here are a few examples:
Yolanda King
Assistant Dean for Diversity, Student Affairs
Yolanda joins us from Boston. She brings with her 20 plus years experience in counseling, student development, housing, diversity/inclusion, and innovation. She earned a B.A. in English from the College of Wooster, and a M.A in Student Development in Higher Education from Howard University. Yolanda has a successful track record partnering with cross-functional departments and managing staff to create inclusive communities that foster engagement.